I know, it’s only the 8th of the year. But we can say with certainty that the biggest non-story of the year has already been established.

The blogoshpere lit up January 7th with reports of Hillary Clinton experiencing something of an emotional breakdown at a New Hampshire appearance, breaking into tears and letting her defenses down.

Soon thereafter, Hillary’s tears made their way across the world of punditocracy. The world’s best (and worst) professional guessers populated television sets across the land predicting the effect the tears would have on Hillary’s candidacy.

With the amount of attention garnered by her tears, one would imagine a visible river of waterworks accompanied by reddened eyes and lip biting. The real thing is substantially less entertaining. See the video and judge for yourself.

Not exactly a wellspring of emotion is it, and certainly not newsworthy, regardless of the authenticity of the nonvisible tears.

Ironically, the resultant and controversy stirred up by Hillary’s tears, and not the tears themselves, resulted in a rallying of female voters in New Hampshire on Tuesday. Hillary surprised all forecasters by overcoming Barack Obama and securing a much-needed first place.

Once again, Jon Stewart shows why he is one of the few sensible people in this crazy world.

Jon Stewart on Hillary’s Breakdown

Bravo, Hillary and camp. This has been a risky, but fruitful bit of political maneuvering.