The Black Gestapo

Fantasies like this rake in so much cash for Beck it's ridiculous.

This movie poster sums up everything you’ll hear on an episode of Glenn Beck, and surely what he would like you to envision. The more you fear it, the more money he can make off your ignorance.

To make any sense of Beck’s ramblings, you’d have to see Obama as the guy front and center of this image. The guy comes complete with 70s stache, the phalic pistol, and his “reparations whip.” Over his shoulder is Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity’s vision of Michelle Obama, and on his other side is the nubile blonde white bimbo he’s taken away from us.

Now, the cream on the cake must be the two Black Panther brothers framing the first family, the very same brothers out of the fake “Black Panthers in Philadelphia” story.

And what’s that it the background? Black militants gunning down the innocent white republicans sent to internment camps!

All of this takes place of course in front of a black-socialist-labor-commie-power fist!

Glenn Beck just creamed his pants! New G4 jet on it’s way!

Drill, Baby, Drill….

June 4, 2010

Just in case you aren’t convinced that Sarah Palin is an idiot:

Why Sarah Palin is an idiot, example 2024

Drill, Baby, Drill.

To paraphrase James O’Keefe… James O’Keefe is corrupt and needs to be investigated.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

As usual, Bob says it all and says it well, leaving not much more to be said.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


April 29, 2010

Just sick. If these people believe prayer works the way they claim, how is this not attempted murder?
Facebook fans attempt assassination by proxy
Facebook group praying for President Obama’s death reaches over 1,000,000 viewers.

This is one of those stories that exemplify so well how desperate and sad the Right Wing is in this country. If older white males want to be counted so badly among Obama’s voting base, they are more than welcome to have voted for him. That seems to be their complaint, anyway. Crybabys like Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge are crying that older white males weren’t included in the list of demographics that voted for Obama.

The G.O.P. race-baits by imagining race-baiting.


April 27, 2010

Eugene Robinson on the new Arizona immigration law.


Arizona: The Stupid State

Arizona brings Big Government into immigration reform

Some recent number crunching has produced interesting, if unsurprising numbers concerning internet rumors that concern current and past Presidents.

The party of no… credibility.

Salon reports on an initial finding by the blog Oz and Ends comparing the veracity of rumors targeting Democratic Presidents to those of Republican Presidents.

To keep on top of urban myths of all kinds, I subscribe to the update list, and I noticed a pattern there that I thought deserved to be examined more arithmetically. It struck me I was seeing a lot more rumors about President Obama, and a lot more false rumors, than I remembered from earlier years. So I ran the numbers, as of this week.

After eight years in the White House (with around all that time), George W. Bush has been the subject of 47 internet rumors. After less than two years in office, Barack Obama has been the subject of 87, or nearly twice as many.

What should be of interest to innocent readers of forwarded emails is not only the amount of the rumors, but what the accuracy of said rumors tells about those spreading them. 

Even more telling is the relative accuracy of those stories. For Bush, 20 rumors, or 43%, are true. Only 17, or 36%, are false. The remainder are of mixed veracity (4), undetermined (4), or unclassifiable (2).

In contrast, for Obama only 8 of the 87 rumors, or 9%, are true, and a whopping 59, or 68%, are whoppers. There are 17 of mixed veracity and 3 undetermined.

In other words, rumors spread by the Right targeting Democrats are far more likely to be entirely manufactured lies than those spread about Republicans.

Additionally, false rumors about Democrats are more likely to be negative while those concerning Republicans can sometimes even caste a positive impression.

I delved down to the stories that the site designates as a mixture of truth and falsehood. For Obama, in many cases the truth is innocuous while the lie reflects poorly on the President, particularly photographs that are misrepresented or show behavior that produced no complaints when his predecessors did the same. In contrast, in this mixture of truth and falsehood about George W. Bush praying with an injured soldier, the lie reflected well on that President from the perspective of the religious person spreading it.

Read more on Salon.